Arenzy Badges

Enjoy every reservation,
like a champion!


Arenzy Badges

Badges are elements that appear on your profile,
and that are certified by your enthusiasm for travel and leisure,
your prowess and your experiences.
After booking A Ticket in one of thoes categories, you will receive this badge!

Arenzy Yacht Club

Yacht Club Badge

Arenzy Diving

Diving Badge

Arenzy Quad

Quad Badge

Arenzy Hang Gliding

Hang Gliding Badge

Arenzy Sandboarding

Sandboarding Badge

Arenzy VTT

VTT Badge

Arenzy Paintball

Paintball Badge

Arenzy Air Ballon

Air Ballon Badge

Arenzy Park

Park Badge

Arenzy Paragliding

Paragliding Badge

Arenzy Guide

Guide Badge

Arenzy Surf

Surf Badge

Arenzy Nautical

Nautical Badge

Arenzy Skydiving

Skydiving Badge

Arenzy Snowboarding

Snowboarding Badge


Use Arenzy Badges

Each Badge you earned, you can use it when you want to try another activity on the same category of the badge, each badge equals -5% on your next ticket of the same category, or you can keep the badge to collect at least one badge in each category.


After Collect All Badges

When you collect one badge per category on your profile, you have the right to request a mysterious box in exchange of all your badges, the chest with many surprises delivered to your home!

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